This feedback was given yesterday by a drinks category buyer from a K-Citymarket in an Uusimaa region, who openly thought a holistically more efficient way to operate with the breweries.
“It would be super beneficial to get all the new preducts right away and automatically to the same weeks combined delivery from Suppilog, so that we wouldn’t need to take the direct brewery deliveries at all. This is simply because we want to get the new flavors in right away, but when agreeing on direct brewery deliveries we would need to fulfill the order by other products – that are already on the shelves. And this is practically very illogical by the warehouse- and category administrative perspective. I’m just throwing an idea here: what if all the breweries would just publish all their new products right away to Suppilog as an “exclusivity” and diminish the direct deliveries altogether? You already have such a big product portfolio and seemingly all the K-citymarkets are using your platform so all this would make very much sense.
I personally think that the most of the drink category buyers would underline this idea. It’s common that because of this illogical direct delivery -model we have to reject the new products altogether. And this means no sales for the brewery, no sales for us and no cool new products for the customers.
It would be amazing to order products from 10 different breweries by a one combined order & delivery – versus to take 10 orders from 10 breweries, meaning a total 100 boxes of products of which 80% wouldn’t have shelf space and would end up in the warehouse and get forgotten there. Also we would only receive just an one invoice instead of ten invoices – which is another way of reducing costs. “
PS. and the breweries in this model would divide the logistic delivery costs by 1/10, when at the direct delivery model they would be paying the delivery by themselves 10-folded. Sounds pretty expensive – especially when the gas prices are the highest among the European countries.
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